Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Hey everyone!! 

This was a great week. Everything is still good to go with Diego so we're super excited!! He should be getting baptized this Saturday. He brought his friend Juan Camilo to church yesterday which was an awesome surprise haha. The bishop and young men's president said they're gonna do all they can to make sure Diego has a special baptism and that lots of people come. :) I LOVE YOU ÑUÑOA. Best ward ever. 

Three weeks left until we find out if I'm gonna be transferred! Weird. Trying not to think about it haha. 

SO HAPPY FOR AMANDA AND KYLE oh my gosh those were literally the cutest photos I've ever seen. And oh my gosh the card board cut out!!!! hahahahah LOVE IT!!!!!! Made me soooo happy :D :D :D

Also lately I've been thinking about the simplicity of the gospel and how sometimes the fact that it's so simple makes it hard for some of us to accept. I read a super interesting talk called "From the Beginning" by Neil A Maxwell maybe?? I think? Can't remember who its by haha. But it talked how simple truths were lost like "God is my loving heavenly father who has a body of flesh and bone" because philosophers and other deep thinkers chose to reject the simple truth and rather look "beyond the mark" to try to understand an incomprehensible relationship. That's where we get the whole--God is energy, God is everything, God is nothing, and lots of other confusing things. And while those are all interesting, it makes it hard for us to see our purpose in life as children of God because we start to lose that relationship. Its hard to explain haha but bottom line I got from it was: we should just accept the gospel truth and embrace its simplicity and be thankful that it is comprehendible and then just jump in and live it. And then when the blessings come we'll be glad we chose faith, and then want to choose it again and again until one day we find ourselves with God. 

I love the gospel. It's probably the best news I've ever heard in my entire life. I love Christ my Savior. He died, but He lives again. And so will we. Its that simple. Choose faith, witness change, live happy. 

Love you allllllllll,

Hermana Cannon II  

Fotos del reunion
Me with the other sister training leaders getting ice cream with President and Sister Wright!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hey there people

Hehe. I quoted the Lovestrange. :)


How are you all? I am in an especially good mood today. Probably the after effects of MOTHERS DAY! Thank you skype. It was so good to hear your voices and see your faces and belly hahaha. Love you guyzzzzz. :) Just wish I could've met Kyle!! Welcome to the family! :D

This last week was pretty great. We had an awesome lesson with two girls named Daniela and Genesis. I think I told you about them last week maybe? but anyways I asked Daniela if she wanted to know why she was here, if life has consequences, other questions of the soul, etc etc and she was like YES that's exactly what has been on my mind lately. So basically miracles! Super excited to see their progress. They couldn't come to church this Sunday because of family stuff but they said they would come next week.

Mothers day was so fun over here! We got to go around and deliver cute Relief society invitations for the sisters that didn't come to church and they felt pretty special when we showed up. :) I love this ward soooooo much. And I get a knot in my stomach whenever I think about transfers.... so we just don't think about that haha. I've been here 9 months now still in my first area. Crazy!

We also had an awesome lesson with a less active member named Nelly. Her husband passed away a few months ago and she was telling us how worried she was about him and if it was possible to see him again. And we had already planned to talk about the plan of salvation so it was perfect. We also talked about temples and that gave her hope. 

Missionary work is the best. :) People are the best. Even the crazies haha. But don't worry, we're being safe. At zone conference I gave a whole schpeel on health and safety as directed by President's wife. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys that since I'm a Sister training leader, I help teach zone conference! It's super fun! We have an awesome zone. Everyone is super nice and hard working. 

I just realized that I like never update you guys on the day to day details of what goes on over here haha sorry bout that. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. 

Love you guys!!

Hermana Cannon II    

1. Me and Hermana Jimena Navarro, Mi mam chilena. Basically the best lady in the world. She takes care of me and always gives me gluten free food haha. Love her.

2. I'm an elf! Its starting to get cold over here so just thought I'd whip out the christmas cheer. 

3. Me and my beautiful comp! Everyone here calls her "muñeca" which means doll haha. like literally EVERYONE. The community is her personalized self-esteem booster. 

 4. Us with the Familia Navarro. We spent Mother's Day with them and had a blast!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Hey everyone!

This was a great week! we went to stake conference with our investigator, Sonia, and she really liked it. Our mission President was there and gave a talk on the worth of souls. He took a 20 dollar bill, crumpled it up in his hand, then asked the congregation if it was still worth 20 dollars. then he drop in on the ground and stepped on it. Still worth 20 dollars. Same thing with our souls. No matter what we've been through, the choices we've made, the way others have treated us.... we are still grand in the sight of God. He's our father. I never get sick of telling that to people. I love letting people know that they have a father in heaven who loves them. It really creates a paradigm shift in the perspective of people who have never heard that before. 

We also got to teach a less active member this week who we had lost contact with for a little while. She was just full of questions about the church. She stopped going as a girl so when we teach her we kind of approach it like an investigator lesson because she doesn't remember much. It was amazing to see the change and sudden interest she has in the church. 

Earlier today on the Subway a man came up to us and told us he was looking for us. Said he had talked to the elders before. Wanted to know if reincarnation existed. We taught him the doctrine of resurrection and how we don't need to be afraid of death because Christ made it so that we will live again. He said his spirit had left his body before and asked if that was possible. I said I don't know! haha! It was a pretty crazy experience. Then he got off at the next stop and I don't think we'll ever see him again. 

My trainer, Hermana Garcia, goes home to Guatemala tomorrow! So crazy. So me and my companion Hna. Andersen went to go say goodbye. It was bittersweet. Shared some tears and I gave her a letter and bracelet I had made for her. 

Last week during divisions (splits) with Hna. Mendoza, our first two appointments fell through but then we got to teach a  spontaneous miracle lesson to some people that were sitting in their house and asked us if we were lost. We said no but that we had a message that we wanted to share with them. They said sure come on in and we taught a little bit about the Book of Mormon and gave them one to keep. They were 3 cousins, all in their 20s, and had a certain interest in their eyes that told me this was an important moment for them in their lives. So then we went back for the next appointment and they weren't home. :/ dang. But we have them present in our thoughts and prayers and hoping we can teach them again soon! Named Genesis, Daniela, y Francisca. 

On Sunday we passed by an investigator to see if she was home. She wasn't... But her next door neighbors were having a family reunion of like 10 people so we walked up to them and I said, "Buenos tardes!" and to my surprise (cuz yeah I was kinda nervous talking to such a big group of people haha) they all echoed my greeting with huge smiles and immediately started asking us where we were from and what we were doing here in Chile. So then we taught a mini lessons right there in front of their house about the gospel and the Book of Mormon! We left them a pamphlet of the plan of salvation and a Book of Mormon to read as a family. We gave each of the girls a hug and a kiss at the end and to the men a handshake, and during that, one of the women hugged me longer than strangers do and thanked me for the words that were said. It was so awesome!!! They said they have family reunions every first Sunday and that we were welcome to come back anytime. Praying for miracles!!! 

Love you all! Can't wait to talk on Mothers Day! You're all in my prayers. :)

Hna Cannon II

Me and my district: me, Hna Andersen, Elder Turner (leader) Elder Fisk, Elder Robbsinson, and Elder Norris

Me and the hermanas in my zone! We cute.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


From April 27, 2015

Hey everyone! :D

So guess what, This week on Saturday a guy came up to us. Asks us for something he can read about God. So we give him a pamphlet and a Book of Mormon. Then he tells us he's homeless (totally didn't look like it) and that he doesn't know how long he'll be in Chile. But he accepted our invitation to church anyway and then we said we would meet him back there, at that same spot in the street, right next to the apartment that he was borrowing from some strangers, at 9:30 am so we could walk to church together. He said okay. So we pass by Sunday morning and he's not there. So we go over to the window and yell his name. Nothing. We yell it again. Wait 5 minutes. Then suddenly the curtain moves and we see him!! Pretty sure we woke him up haha. Then he motions to us that he's gonna come down. So he comes down to tell us that he won't be able to come to church because it turns out there is someone offering him a place to live outside of Santiago and that they are coming to pick him up in 2 hours. But he thanked us for the Book and said it was a miracle that we had met him the day before and that thanks to us, he could be more connected to the word of God. We walked away feeling amazed.... like holy cow miracle. Even though he couldn't make it to church and we won't be able to teach him, I'm positive that was an important moment in his life. Now I just hope he can find the consolation and direction he needs in the Book of Mormon. It's crazy, I've read it pretty much my whole life but am just now figuring out how much love and direction it has, and if I have a good, focused study session, I always leave feeling loved and cared for, like my spirit dad knew exactly what I needed and gave it to me. 

Sending my love!!!! 

Hna Cannon II

Weird Chilean fruit that tastes like raw bananas and cucumbers. Not bad if you drench it in sugar.

Me, Hermana Andersen, Jessica, and her mom Viki. Bffs.

The spirit was too strong for that bus stop

This transfer is flying!

From April 20, 1015

Hey everyone!!

Can't believe it's already week 5 of the transfer!! This is insane. Also I just completed eight months out here which blows my mind. Also we're almost half way through with my companion's training. And this was the first Pday in forever that we even had time to write letters... but then we didn't write any because we started having a deep doctrine discussion hahaha. That's what happens when you have thinky time. 

So I started getting a wee bit sick this week which is kind of blaho but it's okay cuz it's just a little cold. But I think Hermana Young gave it to me because she's been sick for 3 weeks haha. Poor girl. Pray for her pleaseeee!!! She's had to stay at home now for a day and a half. 

The weather is starting to get colder over here which is bringing back memories of Fall, Halloween, school starting, hot chocolate, and all that good stuff that usually comes with October. Oh wait it's April. #southernhemisphereproblems

This week was really awesome for finding new investigators! Oh okay crazy story. Last week we were on our way to a back up plan, bummed out that the appointment with a new investigator had fallen through, when out of nowhere a man comes up to us and asks us if we're Mormon. Uhhh CLARO QUE SI! So then he proceeds to lead us the way towards his house and tells us to come in and share some words about God. Like for reals?? How much of a miracle can you ask for?? Turns out his boss is Mormon which is why he had been curious about us. Also he was kind of drunk which explained the randomness haha. We had a lesson about the nature of God and the Atonement with him and his mom and let them know about the hope that exists through the gospel. He was upset because of all the bad things that happen in the world. We helped him the best we could and then made plans for a return appointment. We came out of there not believing what had just happened!! His name was Marcelo. 

Things happen everyday out here that remind me that God has me and Hermana Andersen in mind. :) 

Love you allllllllll! 

Hermana Cannon II 

1. Proof I'm alive! 
2. Me, Hermana Andersen, Jorge, Franklin, and Sister Page (American. Family moved to Chile for work. She is the most hilarious person you will ever meet)
3. Me and Hermana Andersen with the Peruvian flag at a ridiculous delicious Peruvian restuarant