So like I said last week, I'm training again! And her name is Hermana Elisabeth Jane Andersen from Danville California and totally knows the Slavens! Crazy right?!?!? Small worldddddd!!!! But anyway she is the best evarrrr. We became bffs right off the bat and we are both just super focused and ready to sacrifice and just give it our all and just take it all in and learn every lesson there is to learn and just love everyone together!!! We've set some awesome goals and are ready to hit the ground running this transfer.
We taught a lesson with our investigator Daniel on her first day and we had her invite him to be baptized and he said yes :). It was a first day full of miracles and tender mercies followed by a couple days of plans falling through and making like thousands of goals haha. We've seen a little bit of everything together this week.
Also just wanted to let you guys know how much I love this ward. As you know, it's still my first area and I've just opened my heart to the point that it has become my home. Our bishop is literally so loving and just the best. We had an interview with him because of a few concerns we wanted to share about one of the members and then I started to cry because emotions hahaha and then he offered to give me a blessing for strength and I accepted it with a giant heart full. So just know that I am being taken care of in every aspect here in Ñuñoa- spiritually, emotionally, physically.... that whole deal. :) The only bad thing is that Hermana Andersen is so awesome that I'm pretty sure President is gonna want her to train when we finish her training... so we'll just keep making the most of every moment. :)
We made a few breakthroughs this week with some less active members. We started visiting a family a few months ago, and at the beginning of the lessons we taught they usually got kind of angry and offended. But this week, me and Hna. Andersen have been really focusing on having better companionship studies and really getting to the heart of the needs of the people we are teaching. And so after having made those changes, the family we taught reacted in a way I had never seem them react before. They accepted our message with lots of humility and even began to tell us that they had been justifying their actions in the past, but now they knew what they needed to do. Then we invited their son to say the closing prayer and he accepted, which was likely the first prayer he had said out loud in about 4 years.
So yeah I'm loving life right now haha. It's like the lights have turned on a bit brighter and the progress is happening a bit faster.
God is good. :) Hoping I can learn all the lessons he has for me during this transfer despite how awesome things are going hahaha. But something I learned in district class this week is that God would rather have us learn patience through the injustice acts of other people against us, rather than through the consequences of our bad decisions. Yeah that was kind of unrelated haha but still a super helpful principle if the goal is to avoid long term suffering.
Anyways. :) Love you all mucho mucho.
Have an awesome week!
Hermana Cannon II
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