Monday, September 15, 2014

How To Eat An Elephant


Yep. This week I´ve been utilizing the advice I learned from Mrs. Long in 6th grade about how to eat an elephant... one bite at a time. In other words, I´m still learning how to be a missionary haha. It involves a lot more than just preaching the gospel and having a testimony. There´s planning, learning the streets, learning how to have a good attitude in any situation, planning, planning, and more planning. YAY LIFE SKILLS. I´ll come out all shiny and golden just wait. 

OH MY GOSH I LOVE ZONE CONFERENCE. I have the best mission president and wife of all time. This week got me so pumped to eat the elephant. Ha. I left with goals and plans. It was great. :) 

Had a really cool experience with a less active member this week, Daniela. She´s a single mom and holy cow she has such solid faith. She told us all about her situation. She has some hard decisions to make and has gotten conflicting advice from pretty much everyone. I encouraged her to pray and left her with D&C section 121. Told her that God´s advice is gonna be a lot better than anyone else´s. Praying for her. 

Ahhh finally we had an investigator show up at church!! It was so exciting!! Her name is Rosario and she´s trying to quit smoking. We had a lesson with her earlier in the week that was focused on helping her to quit. We told her if she came to church, we could get a member to give her a blessing of strength afterwards to help her quit. She said she would love that. :) After that I had an idea pop in my head, so I said it. I told her she needed to come with a sincere desire to quit, which meant she needed to bring her cigarettes to the blessing, and after the blessing, throw them all away. After I said that she knew we were serious about helping her. The look on her face changed a little bit, like she was realizing the commi
Vida's comment: I'm assuming Sarah is frowning here because she would love to have some empanadas, but the gluten free thing is preventing her.

tment we were trying to get her to make. It was a really cool moment. I´ve never felt so excited to help someone. Anyways she came to church, got the blessing (which was beautiful) and then I asked her if she brought her cigarettes. She took out the box and said she had 1 left. Then she tore it up into little pieces and threw it away. Suchhhh a cool moment. Ahhhh. Praying so hard that she´ll be able to quit. 

So yeah! Missionary work :). It´s awesome. And crazy. And emotional. And hard. And fun. And then all of that times 20. 

I love each of you more than words can say. :) Thank you so much for the support. I feel it and I feel your prayers! I hope you can feel mine. :) 


Hermana Cannon II

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