Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I love peanut butter

I´ve already eaten like half the jar today haha. 


Last week was Chile´s Independence day! 18th of September. Yep. Everyone went wildddd!!! Our ward even had a Fonda (huge fiesta thing) that started at 11 am and went until 11 pm. There was tons of food and a bounce house and music and dancing! It was awesome! We got to go for a couple of hours. There was actually a whole table of non members there so we got all their info! Hopefully we´ll get some good lessons out of that! 

But yeah it was a good day. We also taught tons of lessons that day which I was especially happy about because I was worried everyone would be out partying. But some weren´t! Miracles. :) 

Ohhhh my gosh we had an awesome REN meeting this week. (Reunion de Nuevos--meeting for newbies). Our mission president invited an investigator to come. She stood up at the pulpit and told us all about her journey finding her faith, meeting the missionaries, and setting a baptismal date. Then we got the chance to ask her questions. We asked questions about what were the good things the missionaries did that helped her make the decision to come unto Christ. The idea was that we could learn from her experience and apply those things to ourselves. She was AWESOME. Someone asked, "one of our investigators is having a hard time making the social change into our church. Their family doesn´t approve or support them and their friends laugh at them." Then she went on to say that her family isn´t very supportive either and some of her friends make fun of the Mormon church. But she just realizes that they haven´t felt what she has felt, so she forgives them. She said that she just remembers what she learned from Jesus through the Book of Mormon, and that keeps her going. 

Wow. Talk about a testimony rooted in the scriptures. She´s inspiring. Made me want to work on that myself. It´s true--everything we need is in the sciptures. Because Christ is in the scriptures. We can apply His principles to any situation in our lives and follow His example. 

Also--holy cow I have never studied the scriptures like I am doing now as a missionary. All the stories are coming to life and I´m realizing that these things really did happen. That´s what the spirit tells me and it´s awesome. Plus they´re a lot easier to understand in Spanish--as weird as that sounds haha. They just say everything more straight forward. 

So yeah overall it´s been a great week. :) Oh except Jorge from last week--the one that said he was gonna come to church--didn´t come. :( We even speed walked all the way to his house to pick him up but he said he had to work. :( We´re praying so hard for him. He´s such a great guy. 

Love you guys so much! Thanks for all the love and support. It helps more than you know. I always have a prayer in my heart for each of you. :) 

Hna Cannon II 

Sorry these captions are non existent. Sarah didn't tell what she wanted them to say.

This one she did write: They are my family while I´m here. :)  love them so much

This one needs no caption! A Pablo Picasso Mural!! Wow!!!

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