Friday, February 19, 2016


From Jan 26, 2016

Hey everyone! :D

Lots of great things this week. :)

Yesterday, after walking around contacting people for a while, our feet started hurting so we decided we'd sit down for a while and make some phone calls. So then we go up to the closest bench where a cute little old lady was sitting. We asked her how she was doing and then she just started to cry and told us about how her sister had just died a week ago. We talked to her for a while and bore our testimonies of the afterlife and the resurrection. I've had a few really special experiences that always come to mind when I bare my testimony of those things so I love it whenever I get the chance to. It almost seemed like a dream as the conversation kept unfolding. She just kept saying how grateful she was that God had sent us to her in that moment when she felt so alone and in need. We ended up going up to her apartment with her and taught her a little bit more about the plan of salvation, baptism, and the temple, and the blessings we receive from making and keeping covenants. She said she's not sure about baptism but that she'll think about it and hopes that we can continue to visit her. 

Hermana Maxfield and I just walked away with a certain reverence afterwards as we replayed in our minds what had happened and tried to record in our hearts how we felt about it. There's something eternal about becoming an instrument in God's hands. It's almost like you get a flash back to the pre-mortal life and can see exactly where you're fitting into the eternal scheme of things. And on top of being interesting, that eternal perspective is so vital to our well-being, and I've really seen that from being out here. Having an eternal perspective gives us the strength, endurance, and orientation we need to not give up what we want most, for what we want in the moment. I have a testimony that temptation will never be too blinding if, by going to the temple regularly, we can maintain our spiritual "bird's eye view." Going to the temple reminds us of our eternal goals which gives us the strength to go back and confront the world again without falling. And the spirit we feel there reminds us that someday, everything we do to live the gospel and keep our covenants will all be worth it. Hna. Maxfield and I actually got to go to the temple today, and that it was I felt. 

I've seen out here how easy it can be for us to lose that eternal perspective if we stop doing those simple things... praying, reading the scriptures, taking the sacrament, and going to the temple. I can see how vital those simple things are and how drastically they can change the course of a life. I've seen it in the lives of faithful converts, as well as those who were once faithful and have since left the path. We may not realize it in the moment, but those simple things are the baby steps that lead us to our eternal destination. 

Also Monica is progressing and has now come to church and is reading the Book of Mormon so pray for her! :) 

love you guys so much!

Hermana Cannon II  

1. We also went to the temple with Fabiola last Saturday for her first time doing baptisms!

2. Me and Hna. Maxfield from the temple today :)

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